Monday 20 May 2013

Questioning Global Warming

This is just a random rant after reading an article on Global Warming today. 

So is the world warming up or cooling down?
Countless articles compare atmospheric CO2 levels over a million years. However they fail to estimate how much carbon is put into the atmostphere by human activities and how much of it is being sequestered. There is no doubt humans beings actively release millions of tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere each year above and beyong the baseline amount if there were no humans. But do we really need to rely on questionable million year comparisons to measure CO2 across the past 50 to 100 years? I am smart enough to spot manipulated data, non-normal data made to look normalised and presented by an Ex-vice president. 

I doubt we still argue that human activity releases CO2 at an increasing and continuous level and that a proportion of it is not stored by the earth's biological sequestration process.

The truth is: Self-interest and extremism have been driving both sides of this debate for too long. 

WE simply want to know how much carbon dioxide, as a percentage of overall atmospheric carbon dioxide, is added to the atmosphere each year. Will the oracle at Mauna Lua provide some relevant data?

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